Can Myopia Therapy Help Reduce Dependence on Glasses?

If you or your child has myopia, or nearsightedness, you may be wondering if there are ways to reduce dependence on glasses. The answer is yes—advancements in myopia therapy offer effective options to slow the progression of myopia and reduce the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. Let’s explore these therapies and how they work.

Understanding Myopia

Myopia is a common refractive error where distant objects appear blurry while close objects remain clear. This condition typically arises due to elongation of the eyeball but can also be due to the excessive curvature of the cornea.

During childhood, when the eye is still growing, myopia occurs because the eye grows too long too quickly, disrupting the normal focusing mechanism. Left untreated, myopia can worsen over time, which doesn't just mean thicker glasses but it also increases the risk of serious eye conditions like retinal detachment and glaucoma later in life.

Why Traditional Glasses Don’t Help with Myopia Therapy

Traditional glasses are designed to correct blurry vision but do not address the underlying causes of myopia progression. As the child’s eye continues to grow, the myopia often worsens, leading to stronger prescriptions over time. Myopia control glasses, which are specifically designed to slow the progression of myopia, are available in many parts of the world but have not yet been approved for use in the United States. This leaves families in the U.S. reliant on other myopia management options, to effectively manage the condition and protect the child’s long-term eye health.

Myopia Therapy Options

Recent innovations in eye care have introduced several effective therapies for managing myopia, especially in children. Here are some of the most common option to slow down progression:

Everyone can benefit and should address lifestyle adjustments:

Lifestyle Adjustments: Increasing outdoor time and limiting near work, such as screen use, can prevent the onset of myopia and also help slow the progression of myopia. While these adjustments won’t eliminate the need for glasses, they’re essential for overall eye health.

Once a child has myopia, parents should consider a treatment that both corrects vision and slows down progression. These treatments include:

Ortho-k (Orthokeratology): Ortho-k involves wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight to gently reshape the cornea. This temporary reshaping allows for clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses. Ortho-k not only provides visual freedom but also slows the progression of myopia in children. These lenses can also be worn in adults for the correction of myopia.

MiSight Contact Lenses: MiSight lenses are daily disposable contact lenses specifically made for children and approved by the FDA for myopia control. These lenses feature a unique design that reduces the eye’s tendency to elongate, effectively slowing the progression of myopia.

Our practice specializes in myopia therapy for children and provides individualized guidance to help them confidently use contact lenses daily. However, we understand that contacts may not be suitable for everyone. In such cases, low-dose atropine eye drops can be prescribed. These drops are compounded by specialized pharmacies and are often used to slow myopia progression. However, it’s important to note that children using atropine drops will still need glasses to correct their vision. At Innovative EyeCare, we prefer to avoid long-term reliance on pharmaceutical solutions but recognize that atropine drops can be a necessary option in some cases.

Benefits of Myopia Therapy

The primary goal of myopia therapy is to slow the progression of myopia and reduce the risk of future eye complications. However, many patients also experience a reduced dependence on glasses, especially with ortho-k and MiSight lenses. Children often find this freedom particularly valuable for sports, outdoor activities, and daily life.

For adults, therapies like ortho-k provide an alternative to LASIK surgery for those seeking non-permanent solutions to reduce reliance on corrective eyewear.

Is Myopia Therapy Right for You?

Myopia therapy is most effective when initiated early, as myopia tends to progress rapidly in children and adolescents. However, these therapies can also benefit adults who want to explore alternatives to traditional glasses or contact lenses.

At Innovative EyeCare, we offer comprehensive myopia management programs tailored to each patient’s needs. Whether you’re interested in ortho-k, MiSight, or other treatments, our goal is to provide clear vision and long-term eye health.


Myopia therapy offers an exciting opportunity to reduce dependence on glasses while preserving eye health. By taking proactive steps to manage myopia, you or your child can enjoy clearer vision and a brighter future.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation at Innovative EyeCare today to explore the best myopia management options for you or your family.


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